


1. 日本の就職活動について
2. 業界企業研究の指導
3. 履歴書の書き方
4. 面接指導
5. 自己分析
6. 法令関連(労働法規・ビザ)
7. 卒業生からのアドバイス
8. 就職エージェント提携
9. 各種就職イベントへの参加
10. 起業支援セミナー


  • Aymeric Marly
    Aymeric Marly
    Industrial Machinery in Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical
    ●Length of stay in Japan
    03/2022 ~ 03/2023
    From Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin to developing the business of a French company in Japan
    QWhy did I choose Nichibei?
    I have already been working for a few years after graduating from my master degree, and I was looking for a language school orientated towards professionals rather than young students. I searched online and I found that Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin, with its network of companies and professionals, was differentiating itself from the other language schools. We were taught the basics of Japanese business language and I still use it daily in my work.
    QHow did I spend my time after class?
    As the learning can be fast paced, it was important to review the grammar and vocabulary learned during the morning, in order not to fall behind. After this, I did the grammar exercises that we were given. On the personal side, as a surfer, I was still able to go surf while doing my reviews/exercises in the 3 hours of train to the beach. Other days, I would wander around Tokyo and find opportunities to put into practice my learnings !
    QHow studying at Nichibei helps me work in Japan?
    Thanks to the solid bases that I learned at Nichibei, after 3 semesters I was able to pass JLPT N3, which helped a lot in being legitimate to find a position in Japan. Obviously, previous qualifications/degrees and skills/experience is also important, but speaking Japanese to at least N3 level is often times the minimum required by companies. Today, I keep on progressing everyday through my job and will be looking to pass JLPT N2 soon. Getting to the language level that I desire will potentially require more lessons, and I would without a doubt choose Nichibei again.
    QAny tips to find a job in Japan?
    First, I think that passing the official JLPT, minimum N3 level would help a lot, if not necessary. Living full time in Japan while studying is as well an opportunity to learn about the culture and everyday situations, which will always be useful. Then, I think that applying to positions that matches your profile and experience is key. For me, as a French national with a business background, I found a position at a French company that is developing its activities in Japan, through a government funded program (VIE).
    Therefore, looking at companies with HQ in your home country that have activities or a subsidiary in Japan might be a good idea. And sometimes, the best way to finding a job in Japan might not always be the direct path. I think that it can be beneficial to start working at a company in your home country and stating your desire to move to Japan. After have gained experience, it can often times be possible to move to the Japanese subsidiary.
  • マイヤー・ゲルノット
    ●Length of stay in Japan
    ・2021.01 ~ 06 (平日集中プログラム)
    ・2022.01 ~ 09 (夜間土曜プログラム)
    ・2023.01 ~ 06 (夜間土曜プログラム)
    ・2024.01 ~ 06 (夜間土曜プログラム)
    日本に住むことを決めた後で、インターネットで日本語学校についての情報を探しました。いろいろな学校があるので、知り合いの日本語の先生に相談しました。その先生に、日米会話学院には長い歴史があるからお薦めだと言われて、レギュラープログラム(現 平日集中プログラム)に申し込みました。しかし、コロナの時代に入ってしまい、授業のスタイルが変わって勉強が大変になりましたが、頑張りました。

    このようにして日本語の授業が始まった2か月後、ウィーン大学の日本研究所からのメールをもらいました。東京にあるドイツ日本研究所でのI Tの仕事の求人情報についてのメールでした。人生の一大チャンスだったので、よく考えた上でその仕事に応募しました。そして、令和3年7月からその仕事を始めることになりました。


  • Eric Lin
    Eric Lin
    A software company in Tokyo
    Software Engineer
    ●Length of stay in Japan
    01/2020 ~ Oct. 10/2020
    How My Japanese Language Skill Got Me an Offer in Japan.
    QPlease share your experience.
    I have been working in Tokyo since Feb. 2023, and I would like to share with you how my experience with Nichibei helped me to get a job here.

    My employer is a Japanese enterprise. As a foreigner, I got to speak English in the interview. Some of the interviewers are Japanese who can also speak English, but I tried to speak Japanese. I didn’t speak perfectly, but they were very impressed. Once I got an offer, the recruiter told me that among all candidates with similar skill sets and experience, I was one of the only few who can speak Japanese, and that made a difference and turned out to be a big plus!

    Thanks to Nichibei’s solid training, I proved to the company that I have certain level of understanding in Japanese culture and I am ready to start a new life in Japan!

    If you are also considering coming to Japan, starting off as a language student is not a bad idea, and that’s what I did in year 2020. I got to stay in Tokyo for a while and see if I really like the lifestyle here, and more importantly, I got to build the connections.

    Nichibei offers various courses with different duration, so you can pick one that suits you needs. If you are in Japan, I would recommend you take the advantage. Nichibei offers a free trial to sit in on one class. If you are outside of Japan, there is an option to attend live classes online. I am now a return student for part-time courses, and one of my classmates is attending the classes from Dubai!

    Thanks for reading my sharing. For more details, please don’t hesitate to contact the staff in English. They are friendly and professional. To believe is to see it by your own eyes. How about give it a try? Hope I can see you in Japan. Cheers!
  • アントニオ・オルティズ
    ●Length of stay in Japan
    8/2020 ~ 9/2022


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