Students’ Comments and Life after NICHIBEI JLI

We share the comments from students who have taken or finished each program of the Japanese Language Institute.
Many students have been active in various fields at home and abroad after finishing our programs.

  • Antonio Ortiz
    Antonio Ortiz
    Daytime IntensivePrivate
    This is an interview with Antonio, one of our alumni from Nichibei Kaiwai Gakuin (The Japanese Language Institute). Interviewed by a former classmate, Antonio shares his experience of the remarkable progress he has made in learning Kanji and conversation skills over the course of two years. He also discusses how and why he chose to enroll at Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin.
  • Robert Scarlett
    Robert Scarlett
    Daytime Intensive
    I arrived in Tokyo as an expat at Mitsui & Co., Ltd, speaking very little Japanese. My daily lessons with JLI have helped me adjust to life in Tokyo and have allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of the Japanese culture. The teachers at JLI are experienced, confident and work to a well-constructed lesson plan.
    I am in a class with 8 others from many different countries, making for a diverse and engaging learning environment. While my Japanese is at a basic level, the reaction I get from colleagues and clients in the workplace when I speak Japanese is always positive. I am looking forward to developing my skills further.
  • Bwilawa Tatiana
    Bwilawa Tatiana
    Daytime Intensive
    I was introduced to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin by my sister who studied there and was very satisfied. When I started studying at Nichibei, my Japanese level was very low.

    I thought it would take years to start speaking it. However, I was both surprised and grateful to Nichibei because I started speaking Japanese in a few months. Teachers are kind, patient, and professional. We learn speeches, presentations, compositions, etc. All these things will be useful in my future job.I'm sure I'll be able to fluently communicate in Japanese! Many thanks to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin!
  • Huang Haifeng
    Huang Haifeng
    Evening SaturdayPrivate
    Quote from the NICHIBEI JLI official facebook

    Life After NICHIBEI JLI: Mr. Huang (June 27, 2016)
    At Nichibei, we have trainees from many different companies.
    Mr. Huang, who came to Tokyo eight months ago from a construction company in Beijing, is studying Japanese twice a week at Nichibei while training on-site at Taisei Corporation.

    “When I first came to Nichibei, I was worried about my Japanese ability. But in lessons I practice daily conversation and business conversation, talk about my own work and more, so I have gradually become able to speak Japanese better than before. In order to master a foreign language, a good study environment is absolutely necessary. Nichibei seems really good, doesn’t it? I have learned a lot of different things from my teachers. In the future, I want to continue studying Japanese.”
    This is what Mr. Huang told us. At the end of the month he is returning home to his own country, but we hope that he continues to work hard in Beijing!
  • Mirjam Harju
    Mirjam Harju
    Daytime Intensive
    Quote from the NICHIBEI JLI official facebook

    Life after NICHIBEI JLI (October 3, 2016)
    Mirjam from Finland (a member of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church) came to Japan in September 2014. She studied at JLI for two years, moving from the Basic 1 class up to the Advanced class.

    Before coming to Japan, Mirjam had studied a foreign language, but it was completely different from Japanese, so at first she seemed to be quite perplexed. She told us that as she got used to Japanese she began to understand more and more, and studying became really fun for her.
    This year starting in October and continuing for four years, she will use the Japanese that she learned to conduct a variety of activities at churches in Koiwa, Ichigaya, and Ikebukuro, and she will visit the homes of the elderly and talk with them.
    In fact, the other day Mirjam participated in The Japan Times’ Study Abroad Symposium as a representative of NICHIBEI JLI. You can read about the symposium on The Japan Times’ website and on Facebook.
    Official Website:
  • Chabanne Thomas
    Chabanne Thomas
    Daytime Intensive
    QWhy did you apply for NICHIBEI ?
    I came to Tokyo for a 6-month internship in a Japanese company. I'd had a few classes before, but I realy only knew the bare minimum, so my company applied for me so that I could learn Japanese over the course of this internship.
    QHow do you think about this school ?
    3 month later, I'm already able to have casual conversations with my coworkers. And I owe that to Nichibei JLI. The teaching program is really on point and provided me with usefull vocabulary and grammar I could easily pratice on my co-workers after class. The teachers are also very capable and very professional. They make sure no one is left behind while still moving forward at a very respectable pace. The fact that there is so much diversity among students also makes for a very interesting learning environment and provides a good opportunity to make friends !
    QPlease let us know the plan(s) after learning Japanese at NICHIBEI.
    In 3 months, I will go back to France and continue learning Japanese there until I graduate from college. After that, I might consider working in Japan.
  • Paul Blagbrough
    Paul Blagbrough
    United Kingdom
    Daytime Intensive
    QWhy did you apply for NICHIBEI ?
    I’ve lived in Japan before, and although I’d learned some Japanese, I wasn’t really able to use it. I’d looked at a few jobs in Tokyo, and all of them required Japanese language ability. My wife had been to Nichibei a few years ago and recommended it because not only do they focus on Business Japanese, but it’s also a conversation school, which was perfect for my language goals.
    QHow do you think about this school ?
    The school is great. The class sizes are just right, big enough to have different people to practice with, and small enough to ensure I get enough attention from the teachers. My class is taught by three teachers on different days, which gives us some variety, and the classes run from 9am to 12:20pm, which means I can do my homework in the afternoons and pick my kid up from school. The class format works really well. A typical day may involve learning kanji, being quizzed on different verb types, learning new grammar patterns, and lots of Japanese conversation practice, either read from the course book or through one-on-one conversation between myself and another student. The time flies by really quickly, and I am very happy with how quickly my Japanese has improved. People who knew me when I first arrived in Japan are very surprised by how my Japanese conversation has improved in just a few months.
    QPlease let us know the plan(s) after learning Japanese at NICHIBEI.
    At the moment, I’m focusing on the course. I would love to carry on at the school, as I know I would continue to improve by leaps and bounds, but I need to find a job, so that will be my focus after the course is over.
  • Hashimoto Rosebella Emi
    Hashimoto Rosebella Emi
    Evening Saturday
    QWhy did you apply for NICHIBEI ?
    I wanted to improve my Japanese so that I could communicate better at work. My colleague-who could not speak a word of Japanese when they arrived in Japan-highly recommended NICHIBEI where after two years of classes, they became able to speak at a native level.
    QHow do you think about this school ?
    What I like most is the attention that the teachers give to the students. From my experience, the teachers have been very patient, helpful and professional during and after classes. Taking each student's ability into account, the classes are well paced, relevant to daily life, and teachers are helpful when correcting Japanese grammar as well as giving advice on cultural nuances. The classes are vibrant, engaging, and are made more interesting by having classmates from different parts of the world.
    QPlease let us know the plan(s) after learning Japanese at NICHIBEI.
    By studying Japanese, I would like to expand my career choices as well as use it in my daily life.
  • KOO Seung Mo
    KOO Seung Mo
    Republic of Korea
    Daytime Intensive
    QWhy did you apply for NICHIBEI ?
    I work at an electronics company as a purchaser. I often work with many Japanese companies, so I need Japanese speaking skills. That is the reason why I study in Japan. I asked people who studied in Japan, and they introduced me to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin. They told me that the school has a good curriculum and good teachers, so I decided to study here.
    QHow do you think about this school ?
    From March this year, I started studying Japanese at Nichibei. I was surprised because the business language courses and teachers were even better than I had heard. They did their best to improve my Japanese ability, and my Japanese ablity is increasing day by day. I am satisfied with their help, and I am doing my best to improve my Japanese skills at Nichibei.
    QPlease let us know the plan(s) after learning Japanese at NICHIBEI.
    I will return to my country in March next year, and I will do a lot of work with Japan partner companies. I think studying Japanese here at Nichibei is very helpful for me and my career.
  • Lee Kan Wing
    Lee Kan Wing
    Daytime Intensive
    I’m a company employee who came to Japan for my company’s language training.
    I studied the basics of Japanese for two months in Korea, but I was terrified about actually coming to Japan and talking and living together with Japanese. I learned about NICHIBEI KAIWA GAKUIN through my senpai’s introduction when I was worrying about how to study Japanese.

    At NICHIBEI KAIWA GAKUIN, through its diversified education program, even someone like me whose Japanese was still underdeveloped could learn easily. I was able to learn a variety of practical Japanese, from everyday conversation to business conversation patterns. What the teachers kindly taught me was of course Japanese, but besides Japanese I could also learn the essential things about life in Japan, so I was glad.
    I started studying Japanese at the elementary level, but thanks to NICHIBEI KAIWA GAKUIN, I could pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 after one year.
    Another good point about NICHIBEI KAIWA GAKUIN is that every semester, there is an extracurricular class where you can experience traditional Japanese culture. It’s a class that reflects the students’ opinions. You can enjoy participating in it, and I was able to have many different experiences apart from studying Japanese.
    I studied at NICHIBEI KAIWA GAKUIN for a little over a year, and I am indebted to the teachers and staff there.
    If there are any Koreans who want to study Japanese, I assertively recommend NICHIBEI KAIWA GAKUIN.
  • Kim Seung-Woo
    Kim Seung-Woo
    Daytime Intensive
    I was in charge of the accounting and investment consultation for Japanese companies operating in Korea. Since Japanese is an essential part of my job, I came to Japan to study Japanese for 6 months.

    Although I hadn’t formally studied Japanese before, I didn’t have so much trouble learning it, partly because I was frequently exposed to it in the context of working with my Japanese clients back in Korea. At JLI, many of my fellow classmates were also business people for whom Japanese was indispensable for their jobs, and we studied it with high motivation, eagerness and concentration. In the basic level, we covered basic grammar and daily conversation, and in the intermediate level, we focused on business conversation.
    In the business conversation class, in addition to the study of phrases and expressions, Japanese business manners and customs were also covered, which was very helpful. Since JLI students come from various countries, I had a great opportunity to get to know their cultures too. It was an experience I treasure.
  • Marilyn Yang
    Marilyn Yang
    Daytime Intensive
    Quote from the NICHIBEI JLI official facebook

    Life After NICHIBEI JLI(August 29, 2016)
    Marilyn from Taiwan studied at NICHIBEI JLI for 1.5 years, starting in the Basic 1 class and continuing up to the Advanced 2 class.

    Afterwards, she entered a business vocational school in Tokyo. She couldn’t speak Japanese at all when she first came to Japan but after she studied with us, she passed the JLPT N1 exam, and now she is working in sales at a car parts company in Tainan, Taiwan. This company provides Japanese clients with the plastic parts for cars made in Taiwan, and Marilyn uses Japanese at work every day, conveying client requests to each company office and preparing documents.
  • Slivko Kalina.
    Slivko Kalina.
    Evening Saturday
    I had been studying Japanese at Far Eastern Federal University in Russia. At that time, my professor said to me, “Since you studied Japanese at university, you should take the JLPT”. After looking at the 2009 edition of the Complete Survey of Japanese Language Schools, I chose Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin because it offered various courses and the teachers seemed good.

    Two months after entering the school, I was able to pass N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. I wanted to keep going, so I decided to try JLPT N1. Then, I passed N1 as well.
    The courses I took at Nichibei were JLPT N2, JLPT N1, Advanced Business Conversation and Business Writing.
    There were students from many different countries at Nichibei, and I could make friends. Thanks to them, I could continue studying Japanese. Also, thanks to the dedicated support from the teachers, I was able to pass JLPT N1. I am very grateful to Nichibei.
  • Michael Levchuk
    Michael Levchuk
    United States
    Daytime Intensive
    I came to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin after working for a Japanese telecommunications company with the desire to improve my business Japanese, reading and writing skills. Nichibei’s unique course structure, long history and prominence in the industry were what attracted me.
    In accordance with the school’s reputation, I have been extremely satisfied with the Institute, its teachers, support staff and overall atmosphere. By combining Nichibei’s full-time program with a variety of specialized classes, I found it easy to create a personalized curriculum which best fit my needs. I am grateful to have the opportunity to study at Nichibei.
  • Ryan Eckert
    Ryan Eckert
    United States
    Evening Saturday
    The Major reasons for choosing the Japanese language school that I currently attend are quality of instructors, good condition classrooms and having an enjoyable learning environment. I feel to achieve optimum educational performance that those three criteria are the most important to me.

    Before deciding to enter Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin, I had visited 3 other Japanese language schools.
    My first impression of Nichibei (JLI) compared to other schools was the quality of facilities and small class sizes. I was impressed with the learning environment that JLI offered its students. Once I attended JLI I was very pleased with all of my instructors. The instructors are very professional, patient and accessible. The school curriculum is intense but fair. Each day the students go through well-balanced exercises of reading, kanji, writing, listening and speaking. Since attending JLI I have seen a big improvement in my Japanese. I am very happy regarding my decision to go to JLI.
  • Mary Beth Horiai
    Mary Beth Horiai
    United States
    Evening Saturday
    After 30 years of living in Japan, I became a 'lazy' gaijin who stopped actively learning more Japanese and became complacent with 'just enough' to communicate. I finally decided that I wanted more. A friend of mine introduced me to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin.
    Her Japanese is excellent, thanks to Nichibei, and she found it extremely helpful in furthering her Japanese studies.
    I have found the courses and schedule fitting for my needs. The central location is easily accessible. But most important, the faculty are highly trained, supportive and match the needs of the students at all levels. I often take the morning news class to stay abreast of Japanese news issues, while strengthening my kanji and listening skills. I also have taken the prep courses for the N2 and successfully passed the test in December of 2012 and am planning on doing the same for N1 in 2013.

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